Discover charming Nakskov Fjord from Postbåden

About Postbåden and a trip on the Fjord

The mail boat skippers will fondly tell you about the history of the fjord on their mail trips. In the season we are usually 2-3 regular skippers, who share the responsibility of the many trips and happy guests.

A glimpse of Albuen from where you can bike along the narrow sand peninsula and further onto the dike to Nakskov. See more pictures here.

The mail boat, Postbåden Vesta, has sailed Nakskov Fjord since 1937. In the start, its purpose was to deliver mail to the islands of the fjord, as well as Albuen, a 9 kilometer stretched and narrow peninsula, partially closing off the fjord from Langelandsbaeltet.


Postbåden, as it is normally called, has a brilliant history, serving the people on the fjord for decades, and then, with the decrease in mail, it has become one of Lolland’s most popular tourist attractions, sailing thousands of tourists around the fjord every year.


Besides being extraordinary beautiful, Nakskov Fjord is also full of history dating back to the herring markets of Albuen in the middle ages as well as King Hans’ combined shipyard and castle, which was built on Slotsø in 1509-10. Today you can visit it with Postbåden and inspect the ruins.


You can also visit Enehøje, a beautiful island at the entrance of the fjord. For years Enehøje was owned by and the home of the famous arctic explorer Peter Freuchen, who himself made use of Postbåden when going to and from the mainland. On the island you can find a statue of Peter Freuchen laying down in the spot where he would usually take his afternoon naps. The statue is made by the Danish artist John Kørner.


In the season 2024, which lasts from May 22th to September 21th, there are multiple trips daily.


Outside of the season we sail individually booked tours, similarly to how we offer ash scattering all year round.


Book our regular trips here or contact us by mail or phone for further inquiries.

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